Who is NomadZ?

We're the student team from ETH Zürich, gearing up for the annual robot soccer World Cup in the standard platform league. Our mission? To roll out a squad of 7 robots onto a mini soccer field to face off against another team's 7 robots.

What is NomadZ doing?

Our custom-designed algorithms draw inspiration from the latest research, often crafted in partnership with leading institutes like CVL and IFA. Our work spans a diverse range of fields, from computer vision to distributed systems, reinforcement learning, and motion control.

Our Mission:


Our mission is to ignite curiosity and passion for STEM among young individuals through engaging and hands-on robotics experiences.


We value collaboration and teamwork for collective success. Every team member plays a vital role in our journey.


Our mission is to educate and empower students through hands-on experiences that go beyond theory.